Nezzi ~ Certified Reiki Master & Clairsentient

Reiki is a form of energy healing that uses simple hands-on, no-touch techniques, with the goal of improving the energy flow of an object (human, animal, plant, etc.).  Reiki (pronounced ray-key) means "universal life energy" in Japanese.

Reiki sessions have been proven helpful in stress reduction and relaxation which promotes healing.  It is a balancing at every level.  It is a hands on healing technique believed to transfer universal energy in the form of Ki ( Life Force Energy)  through the Palms.  Reiki is a simple, yet very powerful technique that has been practiced for thousands of years.

Most people notice a difference after the very first treatment and the benefits grow with every repeated session.

Reiki is a safe treatment, since there is nothing about Reiki treatments that interfere with any medical care you are receiving.

If you are taking prescription medications, you MAY find that with continued Reiki treatments, you may need less.  However you should not change the way you take your medication on your own.  ALWAYS consult your physician before adjusting your medications.

Since Reiki treatment is balancing at every level, it can help anyone who is interested enough to experience a treatment session.  If you are tired, you'll feel refreshed.  If you are anxious, you'll feel serene.  If you are distressed, you'll feel comforted.  Where you feel overwhelmed, you'll find a renewed sense of yourself.  And these subjective changes will be accompanied by physical changes indicative of deep relaxation, such as a lower heart rate and easier breathing.

The following are some commonly reported benefits of Reiki Treatment.  Although at this time the evidence for most of these benefits are anecdotal,  there is data showing that Reiki treatment can be effective for relaxation, pain management, reduced anxiety, reduced depression and enhanced well being :


Pain Management

Reduced Anxiety

Reduced Depression

Improved Sleep

Improved Digestion

Enhanced Well-Being

Stronger Self Esteem

Support for Substance Abuse Recovery

Reduced side effects from Radiation, Chemotherapy and RX meds

Greater Self Awareness

Greater Ease and Satisfaction in Relationships

Promotes natural self-healing

Balances the energies in the body

Balances the organs and glands

Strengthens the immune system

Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver  

One interested in a Reiki healing session should understand that Reiki is a hands on energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation.  Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perfrom medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. 

 Reiki does not take the place of medical care.  It is of course recomended that you see a licensed physician or licensed healthcare professional for any physical or psychological ailiment you may have. 

Reiki can compliment any medical or psychological care you may be receiving. 

The body has the ability to heal itself, and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.  

 Long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself. 

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